Find out other friends’ profile
of Camfog, Chatting website directory allow you to search for top 50 profiles
in Camfog ranking. This list showed information of any account with status,
nickname, place(Point), age, sex, location and photo(if they didn’t set as
private). Using this tool make pretty easy to search more friends
and you can also search for all user who have recently create new account on
Camfog(chatting and webcamming Site) according to your location which major
provide you automatically point current position. And search tool provide
nickname list of user who are not native in your country, it’s mean we can meet
new friends with chatting on Camfog webcaming.
Go to this url : to access another
profile info. Directory filter the search result by 2 character of country
code. If you live in England and need to talk with friends who exactly came
from England you should filter list result by “/en” (black slash en) after main
address URL. It seem like this :
. Scroll mouse down to show more friends list and also click on load more
button to load more user into chatting list.
Now it’s time to create your own
information. Click on register and complete needed public info which want to
submit into list. Camfog web will use user’s public about information to
display for other people. And waiting
for proper person who want to chat with you. Add friend and start using their
streaming webcaming program to enjoy talking new friends. Last important thing, take care your public
data because it will shown in public list and each other can track you another
account with the same name or password.