Monday, June 17, 2013

Make your profile img with Webcam Toy

If you are first here, in homepage screen will show you mini animation of friends who recently make new account on Webcam Toy. in the center of  this webcamming site allow you to start "smile" with large pink button and text on it "ready? smile", it's mean the way begining to make some excite on making webcamming great image profile.

What ever you use internal camera or another on of external, Allow access to webcam is needed. click allow to turn on webcam and jus a moment, you should see own picture from your webcam. Smile and capture your cool post, you can re-capture the best moment and then let's fill some filter on it.

This is not same simple filter of any Image production of any company where provide you a complete one click filter like Instragram, Xui Xui (from China) but Webcam Toy almost pretend on mirror camera, i have show some example image below.

In effect pagee 3-4 i saw some cool filter with overlay vector gradient. It's pretty cool so take a look on first 3 pictures of my dog on that webcamming filter. I think "Danger" is interesting cause my doy has red line over his eyes and whole image was changed into black and white, it's feel like a worrior in vdo games but i cannot remember what that game is. Below is the simple of preview filter with webcamming filter's name. Choose your best! (also click on picture if need bigger size preview)

And the last important thaing taht every social webcamming websites have nerver forget. It's button of shared and post to any social network channel, just like Facebook Twitter orTumblr. This last page show result inclde complete editing on webcamming picture. No more things to do without shared the world how you get it!